Do Not Accept Being Cut Off By Love, A Man In Makassar Persecutes His Lover
JAKARTA - Ignited by emotion because his love was cut off, a man in Makassar, South Sulawesi, with the initials J assaulted his girlfriend. The persecution took place at a hotel in the Panakkukang area.
"The perpetrator has been secured, named as a suspect in the persecution," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Panakkukang Police, Iptu Iqbal Usman when contacted by VOI, Monday, August 31.
This abuse occurred at the end of last week, when the lovers J and N spent the night at a hotel. At that time, J did not accept that his relationship with N. was cut off. It was suspected that J was also jealous because there was another man behind the relationship between the two.
"The female decision-maker cannot accept this perpetrator. He was angry anyway, was beaten by his woman, "continued Iqbal.
The beatings took place after the two of them got into an argument. There are bruises on the woman's body.
“There are bruises on my face and eyes. The perpetrator was hit using his bare hands and then wearing sandals, ”added Iqbal.
The police will examine a number of fellow perpetrators who were at the hotel when the abuse occurred. While the results of the post mortem are still awaiting reports from the hospital.