Searching The Track Records Of Candidates For KPU-Bawaslu Members, South Timor Asks To Help A Number Of State Institutions
JAKARTA - The Selection Team (Timsel) for KPU-Bawaslu members for the 2022-2027 period has asked for assistance from a number of state institutions to trace the track records of the candidates. Later, this will be taken into consideration for the assessment.
"We ask for assistance from state institutions to trace the track records of candidates for KPU-Bawaslu members for the 2022-2027 period," said South Timsel Chairman Juri Ardiantoro at a Public Hearing Meeting (RDPU) with Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Wednesday, January 19.
"We took all of our portraits and profiling so that it became our consideration in assessing and deciding on 14 candidates for KPU members and 10 candidates for Bawaslu members," he continued.
The jury explained that the purpose of South Timor was to ask the state agency for help in tracing the prospective members of the KPU-Bawaslu. Starting from financial transactions, commitment to nationality, leadership, relationships with family and neighbors, to track record of work so far.
The state institutions that have requested assistance from the South Kalimantan Province include the Center for Financial Reporting and Analysis (PPATK), the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT), the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the Army Psychology Service.
"Of the 14 candidates for KPU members and 10 candidates for Bawaslu members that we have submitted, South Timor has tried hard to make member postures that represent various considerations such as gender, even though the KPU has not reached 30 percent, but for Bawaslu it is 30 percent," he continued.
The jury revealed that the area of origin of the prospective members was also a consideration, but the Papua and West Papua regions had not been represented. According to him, of the 14 candidates for KPU members and 10 candidates for Bawaslu members, the majority of them are election organizers and academics.
"In addition, there are candidates who are election activists who focus on election issues to add perspective to strengthening electoral administration," he said.
The jury said that in the process of registering candidates for KPU-Bawaslu members for the 2022-2027 period, 868 people registered, consisting of 492 KPU candidates and 376 Bawaslu candidates.
The jury explained, of the 868 people who registered, 629 people passed the administrative selection due to various reasons, including being underage and not having passed S1.
"From the 629 people we immediately did a written test, writing papers, and basic psychology. Finally, there were 48 people who passed, consisting of 28 candidates for KPU members and 20 candidates for Bawaslu members," he said.
The jury added that of the 48 candidates for KPU-Bawaslu members, further psychological and medical tests were carried out and simultaneously interview tests were conducted.
"From the 48 candidates, South Timor selected and determined 14 candidates for KPU members and 10 candidates for Bawaslu members who were handed over to President Joko Widodo on January 6, 2022," he said.