1,362 Cases As Of Last Tuesday The Highest Number Of COVID In Indonesia Since Mid-October 2021

JAKARTA - Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19, Reisa Broto Asmoro, stated that the daily confirmed cases of positive COVID-19 as of Tuesday were the highest since mid-October 2021.

"Indonesia has faced an increase in positive confirmed cases in the past week, especially with 1,362 positive confirmed cases as of January 18, 2022. This shows that yesterday was the highest number in one day since mid-October 2021," he said when delivering a press statement followed from Presidential Secretariat YouTube in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, January 19.

He said the current increase in COVID-19 cases was influenced by increased mobility and violations of health protocols. Reisa invites the public to comply with health protocols, especially the Omicron variant which causes a wave of extraordinary cases in many countries has been found in several regions in Indonesia.

The areas in question include DKI Jakarta, Malang, Surabaya, Bogor, South Tangerang, Bandung, and Medan.

"Of course, so that it doesn't spread widely, we all have to take part in efforts to control the transmission of COVID-19, especially for this variant, because prevention remains the same, discipline applies health protocols and vaccinations," he said.

Reisa also appealed to the public to tighten the use of masks, especially when in public spaces or when interacting with other people.

"We apply social distancing and wash our hands regularly, reducing mobility only for very important purposes," he said.