Newly Confirmed, Faisal Basri Rounded Out Determination To Sue UU IKN To MK

JAKARTA - It is said that senior economist Faisal Basri will file a judicial review of the State Capital Law (IKN) to the Constitutional Court or MK. He stated this through the PKS TV channel on Tuesday, January 18.

"I will bring this (IKN Law) for judicial review," he said.

In his statement, Faisal and several of his colleagues agreed to review the State Capital Law because it was considered to have several things that were not appropriate. First, the ratification of the IKN Law which was carried out yesterday seemed to have an element of haste.

Faisal said, the government should focus more on solving some of the current problems rather than quickly realizing the discourse of moving the state capital.

"I'm not against moving the capital city. But it is better to prepare a big plan in advance by involving the community," he stressed.

Another assumption made by the University of Indonesia academics is that the agenda of moving the capital city is not something that is urgent. Moreover, continued Faisal, the majority of Indonesia's population is still classified as poor and vulnerable. This is what he considers the need for a comprehensive solution rather than smoothing out the ideals of bringing the center of government out of Java.

"Pak Jokowi is enthusiastic because there are investors who will be ready to provide funds to build the capital city," he added.

Not kidding, Faisal got the news of the existence of these funders from his colleagues in the current cabinet.

“I was told by one of the deputy ministers who reminded Pak Jokowi to be careful because this is a business. In the requirements, it is stated that there is a need to bring 5 million residents to IKN within 10 years, the aim of which is to generate demand for housing, offices, and others," he continued.

As is known, the proposal for the Draft Law on the State Capital which was submitted by the government was approved by the parliament into law on Tuesday, January 18 yesterday.

In the next process, there will be four major stages in the development of IKN. The most crucial stage is in the 2022-2024 period after the ratification of the regulation. In this time frame, the government will build basic infrastructure in the form of roads and port access to facilitate mobility in IKN.

Meanwhile, the IKN development budget is sought to be included in the National Economic Recovery (PEN) scheme so that it is expected to have a wider beneficial effect.