Kemenkominfo Supervises Pornographic Content On OpenSea, Talks NFT In An Improper Way

JAKARTA – The talkative culture that exists in Indonesian society also occurs in the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) business. But this time too much. After Ghozali Everyday was able to attract profits of up to billions of rupiah, now there are many imitators.

Too bad some of them do it in a bad way even in a way that is not right. One of them is by selling nude photos on OpenSea. This makes the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) concerned.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics said that it continues to monitor the development of interest in NFT in Indonesia. Kominfo monitors pornographic content that has the potential to become an NFT asset.

Dedy Permadi, Spokesperson for Kominfo, said this was in accordance with the mandate of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (UU-ITE), which can impose sanctions if there is negative content on the Electronic System Operator (PSE) platform.

"According to the mandate of the ITE Law, Kominfo actually has the authority to impose administrative sanctions or legally possible sanctions if the platform or PSE contains negative content," said Dedy on the CNN Indonesia Connected program, Monday, January 17.

The existence of the Indonesian people who justify any means to get this advantage is certainly a concern. Public understanding of NFT that is not yet fully understood can even cause unrest. For example, when some accounts sell pornographic photos on OpenSea.

"This is so bad. They don't understand NFT. They don't realize that by selling their photos on the platform, they can't be deleted anymore," said Chef Arnold Purnomo, an NFT collector from Indonesia, in an interview with the Close The Door podcast.

Dedy also said that Kominfo has the authority to give orders to the platform to take down or take down content that violates applicable laws.

The digital space is indeed beneficial for the people of Indonesia, but Dedy believes that there must still be signs to guard against prohibited content. Dedy assessed that prohibited content should be avoided in the digital community.

"In this case, Kominfo supervises all electronic systems or PSEs that carry out electronic transactions. PSEs must comply with the provisions of the ITE Law and its derivatives," said Dedy.

Currently, there are two methods of controlling negative content that are circulating in the digital space, including in the blockchain ecosystem. The first is by conducting cyber patrols. The Ministry of Communication and Information has carried out proactive cyber patrols to track negative content, namely by using artificial intelligence-based machines, which are operated for 24 hours non-stop.

Second, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics also opens the door for complaints from the public who find the negatively charged content. The Ministry of Communication and Information can follow up on the negatively charged content. Even if it is considered a violation, it will not only be blocked, but also brought to the realm of law. So be careful when using NFT.