Investigation Of 'Ecstasy' Driver Who Hit Bicycle Platoon Involved Propam

JAKARTA - Police continue to investigate a traffic accident involving a car driver and injuring seven cyclists. Toto Prasetio, the driver who tested positive for drugs, is known to be a state civil servant (ASN) on duty in the police force. Propam officers were deployed.

The accident occurred in the Sudirman area, South Jakarta, Saturday, December 28. A Toyota Avanza with police number B 1624 BYW driven by Toto hit several bicycle riders. As a result, seven cyclists were injured and rushed to hospital.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, said that the investigation that Propam would conduct was aimed at the causes of accidents and drug use. Yusri also explained that Toto was an ASN who served at the South Jakarta Metro Police.

"Today the suspect will be investigated by the South Jakarta Police Propam regarding the aftermath and drug use," said Yusri when confirmed, Monday, December 30.

Although the investigation will only take place this afternoon, it is said that Toto has been named a suspect in the accident. In fact, based on the evidence and the results of the interim examination, the investigator decided to detain him.

"We have already detained the suspect for the case," said Yusri.

Meanwhile, related to the drugs consumed, the Head of Sub-Directorate of Bin Gakkum, Police Traffic Directorate, Police Commissioner Fahri Siregar, said that this was discovered after conducting urine tests on the suspect. As a result, Toto was positive for ecstasy.

"The results of the suspect's urine check were positive for amphetamine consumption," Fahri said.