There Is Still A Big Homework After The TPKS Bill Becomes An Initiative Bill

MALANG - Political observer from Brawijaya University Malang, Wawan Sobari, assessed that there is still a lot of homework to do after the Sexual Violence Bill (TPKS) was approved to become a DPR initiative bill. that the crime of sexual violence has been clearly defined. "So actually this is a step, okay. But the other big homework is how to disseminate information to the public about the TPKS category," Wawan said to Antara. The DPR's initiative was accelerated due to the emergence of various cases of sexual violence in the community, especially cases that occurred in educational institutions. If the socialization is not carried out, then the TPKS Bill becomes meaningless. "That's a big homework and must be conveyed to the public. Don't let ignorance make this meaningless," he said. other laws that trigger the emergence of criminal acts of sexual violence. One of the laws that must be synchronized with TPKS is the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE).

"So, for example, later the implementation of this law will be related to other laws such as the ITE Law, especially regarding pornographic content that triggers criminal acts of sexual violence," he said, at the 13th Plenary Meeting of the Republic of Indonesia House of Representatives for Session III Year 2021- 2022 approved the TPKS Bill (RUU) to become a DPR initiative bill. The plenary meeting also listened to the opinions of nine representatives of the DPR factions. Of the nine factions in the DPR, only the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction did not approve of the TPKS Bill being a DPR initiative bill. This is because the bill is considered not to comprehensively include all criminal acts of decency which include sexual violence, adultery and sexual perversion.