Claims To Relocate The Capital City Do Not Burden The State Budget, Head Of Bappenas: The Government Will Not Harm Our Children And Grandchildren

JAKARTA - Head of the National Development Planning Agency or Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa ensured that moving the state capital or a new capital city would not burden the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

According to Suharso, the government has really carefully calculated the financing of this new capital city with the help of Finance Minister Sri Mulyani. "If I think that the gas is fast, mother (Sri Mulyani) has the brakes. The brakes are measured, we also measure the gas," said Suharso during a press conference after the DPR plenary session at the DPR Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 18.

Furthermore, Suharso claimed, the Government would adapt the business and financial model in such a way that it would not burden the state budget. Instead, according to him, this business model will increase the government's assets. The general chairman of PPP said that the strategy implemented by the government would be different. However, he did not specify the strategy in question. Certainly, said Suharso, the government would not harm the Indonesian people.

"We will not immediately harm our children and grandchildren in the future, not at all," said Suharso. Suharso denied that the special regional government to be formed in the new capital would later violate the 1945 Constitution or not. Because, he said, the 1945 Constitution did not prohibit or mention this particular regional government. For example, the village administration is now financed by the state budget and is not mentioned in the 1945 Constitution at all. "I dare say no, because the space is opened in the Constitution," said Suharso.

It is known, the plenary session of the DPR officially approved the Draft State Capital Law or IKN Bill. Furthermore, this bill remains to be passed into law by President Joko Widodo or Jokowi.