Losing The Competition To Get The Girl Idol Of The Heart, The Man In Jember Slashes His Friend's Eye With A Knife

JEMBER - The man with the initials MGA (26) was arrested by the police for molesting his friend. The cause is fairly trivial, it's a matter of losing competitiveness to win the girl's heart.

Muhammad Rofi (21) who became the victim now has to undergo treatment at the hospital. He had a stab wound to the eye.

The Jelbuk police chief, AKP Dwiko, said the abuse took place on Monday, January 13. At first the victim woke the perpetrator while sleeping in his house. The victim intended to borrow a fishing hook. At that time there was a conversation that alluded to the MGA actors.

"He then hit the victim but was blocked. The perpetrator then took a knife and stabbed the victim's eye socket twice. The victim was then taken to the hospital and then reported to the Police," said AKP Dwiko, Tuesday, January 18.

After the assault, the perpetrator immediately fled. After a week of fugitives, the perpetrator was arrested by the police.

"From the results of the investigation, it is known that this case was motivated by the suspect's revenge because he felt he could not compete with the victim in winning the heart of the girl he both liked," he said.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 351 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution.