Loud Louis Vuitton Trolley Bags, Handbags And Wallets Burned

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) destroyed evidence in the case of the fake Louis Vuitton brand which had permanent legal force.

"Evidence that was destroyed included trolley bags, women's handbags, makeup handbags and women's purses with the Louis Vuitton brand," said Director of Investigation and Dispute Resolution of DJKI, Anom Wibowo in a written statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 18, as reported by Antara.

The destruction of the evidence was carried out together with the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Bali Ministry of Law and Human Rights. the counterfeit goods are destroyed after the prosecution and legal process is complete.

To suppress intellectual property infringement in Indonesia, DJKI continues to educate the public to care about the importance of respecting the intellectual property rights of other people's works. This can be done by not buying and selling counterfeit or pirated products.

In addition, DJKI also continues to improve its capabilities and coordinate with all Intellectual Property Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS KI) spread across 33 Regional Offices of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Indonesia.

"This is a step to act quickly on any complaints of intellectual property infringement," said Anom.

He hopes that the public as consumers and business actors will be wiser in buying and marketing products.

"Our hope is that the public is smarter in buying goods and at the same time business actors are expected not to use well-known brands to deceive the public," he said.

On that occasion, he appealed to people who have intellectual property products or works to immediately register with the DJKI Kemenkumham.

In general, this activity is part of an intellectual property law enforcement effort to get Indonesia out of the Priority Watch List (PWL) status in early 2022.

Countries that are included in the PWL list are considered as countries that have quite serious intellectual property violations. The data was released by the United States Trade Representative (USTR).