Raffi Ahmad Reveals The Original 'Actor' Of An Immoral Video Similar To Nagita Slavina

JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Metro Police in collaboration with the Cyber Sub-Directorate of the Polda Metro Jaya stated that the immoral video played by a woman who looked like Nagita Slavina was the result of engineering. This was revealed based on the results of digital deepening.

"The video is fake, aka fake, the result of editing," said Head of Criminal Investigation at the Central Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Wisnu Wardhana when confirmed, Saturday, January 15.

Through his personal account, Raffi believes that Nagita is not the person in the video.

"This has been everywhere, I need clarification when it comes to my wife. It's not Gigi. Gigi is crazy like that," said Raffi Ahmad.

Nagita also explained that she had never had a video like that with anyone. The police also stated that the video circulating was the result of editing, which was fake.

After receiving information from the police, now Nagita Slavina's Instagram fanbase account has finally found who the woman is.

"So this is the real video of the face, thank you for those who continue to believe in Mama Gigi & keep supporting Mama Gigi," wrote the account @nagitaslavina__1717.

Warganet also flooded the comments on the upload. They also provide support for Nagita Slavina. "It's a lot different from Nagita's mother.. her face is different and beautiful. Sultan Nagita's mother is also... healthy and healthy, all of the sultan's family.