Embarrassed By Drama On Social Media. Feast Throws Commodification

JAKARTA - Various kinds of conflicts and dramas have been created on social media and seem to have become the daily meals of citizens. Try this phenomenon. Feast summarizes in their new single song entitled Commodification.

Staying at home during a pandemic, most of the world's population focuses on social media. There are also those who deliberately create buzz and conflict for their various interests.

The song Komodification was written by Adnan Satyanugraha Putra with help from Baskara Putra, recorded by the five .Feast members in the Soundpole studio owned by Wisnu Ikhsantama W. who is also the producer and also the mixing and mastering engineer of this song. Meanwhile, Yudhistira Israel (VNGNC) and Hanief Bagus produced the artwork.

“I see that nowadays people have opinions or updates that are really harmless on social media, people still find gaps for nagging. Everyone, groups, even countries have plays, ”said Adnan as the main author of Commodification in a written statement received by VOI.

“I often think whether or not I can spend any money so that my social media can go premium. Let me see the social media timeline, there's no fuss, "he added.

Speaking of music, the song Komodification sounded energized and aggressive. Opened with chanting accompanied by the sound of a snare drum, the guitar's sound is full of distortion and the bass with low tuning is the main dish of this song.

Of course, these voices were accompanied by Baskara Putra's vocal singing loudly.

Komodi songs have been available on all digital music platforms since Friday, August 28. The video clip that was worked on by .Feast with VNGNC was also available on the YouTube channel .Feast on the same day. See below.