Sufmi Dasco Denies That The Discussion Of The IKN Bill Has Been Hasty

JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives approved the Draft Law on the State Capital (RUU IKN) to be brought to the Plenary Meeting today, Tuesday, January 18, to be ratified into law. After the Special Committee on the IKN Bill and the government accelerated the discussion, which was completed in the early hours of this morning.

Regarding the IKN Bill, which was discussed one day and one night, the DPT leadership denied that the discussion of the bill was rushed.

"Actually, it's not too hasty. We will do it like the TPKS (RUU) IKN (RUU) efficiently. During the recess, our colleagues will also work," said Dasco at the DPR Building, Tuesday, January 18.

According to the daily chairman of the Gerindra Party, the discussions conducted by the DPR and the government are also quite dynamic. Where, he said, often went back and forth from article to article.

"And the best done by friends in the special committee as well," said Dasco.

Dasco said that the next stage for the IKN Bill after it became a law would be announced by the government through state news. After that it was enforced.

As for the concept of authority, PKS commented on the concept of authority, as the only faction that refused because it considered the IKN bill to be unconstitutional, Dasco revealed that there were a number of notes submitted by the factions.

"So indeed during the discussion, PKS also provided notes. The notes were then discussed and the results were decided in the committee meeting last night. Now, for further substance, friends and the public should see it later after the law is passed," said Dasco.