Blue Bird Owned By Purnomo Prawiro Conglomerate Collaborates With The Largest Private Bank In Indonesia, Can Order Taxi On The BCA Mobile Application

JAKARTA - Purnomo Prawiro's conglomerate taxi company, PT Blue Bird Tbk (Bluebird) collaborates with PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) to bring the mobility experience closer to the public by launching a taxi booking feature on the BCA Mobile application.

Deputy President Director of PT Blue Bird Tbk Andre Djokosoetono said that the cooperation between the two aims to support community activities which are predicted to be enthusiastic again in line with the economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.

This collaboration with BCA, according to him, is a tangible form of Blue Bird's commitment in increasing public accessibility to provide safe, comfortable and reliable mobility facilities for Bluebird and BCA users.

"As long as the COVID-19 pandemic is still lurking, we continue to strive to be more relevant to the needs of the community. Safe and comfortable mobility has proven to be one of Blue Bird's advantages in the midst of high public attention regarding hygiene and health," said Andre, Monday, January 17 yesterday.

Through the Bluebird ordering feature on BCA Mobile, said Andre, the two companies offer a safe and comfortable choice to the public in the midst of the uncertainty of the situation that has occurred due to the pandemic. According to him, users are also increasingly pampered with the ease of payment features that have been BCA's advantages so far.

"In addition, there is a 30 percent discount for Taxi orders on the Lifestyle feature on BCA Mobile. The promo is valid every day for the period 17 January to 6 February 2022, specifically for the first 100 transactions per day using the promo code BCABLUEBIRD," he added.

Meanwhile, BCA Executive Vice President I Ketut Alam Wangsawijaya said that transportation facilities are an essential part in supporting community mobility and will also affect the national economy. As a national bank, he admitted that BCA is ready to participate in supporting economic recovery, one of which is through collaboration.

"This time collaborating with Bluebird to bring the Taxi Menu accessibility to the Lifestyle Feature on BCA Mobile. This menu is expected to support customer activities, especially in getting convenient and simple transportation," he said.