A Security Guard Becomes A Shooting Victim While Driving On Jalan Benyamin Sueb

JAKARTA - A security guard with the initials JH became a victim of an unknown person shooting. The shooting took place on Jalan Benyamin Sueb, Pademangan, North Jakarta, Sunday, August 30, early morning.

Based on information, the shooting incident began when JH passed by on a motorbike. Suddenly, his right side hurt and he was known to have had a gunshot wound, so he had to undergo intensive care at the Satya Negara Hospital (RS), Sunter, North Jakarta.

Confirmed about this, the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the North Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Wirdhanto Hadicaksono confirmed the incident. However, he was reluctant to explain clearly the chronology of the shooting.

The reason is, until now an investigation is still being carried out. Moreover, the location of the shooting cannot be ascertained yet.

"It is still under investigation. It is still confirmed that the TKP is in Central Jakarta or North Jakarta," Wirdhanto told reporters, Sunday, August 30.

However, continued Wirdhanto, the results of a temporary investigation showed that the security guard was hit by a stray bullet. "Meanwhile, he suspected a stray bullet," he said.