Good News, South Tangerang Police Will Hold Street Race For Wild Racers On Green Boulevard BSD

TANGERANG - South Tangerang Police (Tangsel) conducted a survey on Jalan Green Boulevard BSD City, Pagedangan, Tangerang Regency. This is done to run the Polda Metro Jaya program which wants to change the legal illegal racing event titled Street Race. The Head of Traffic at the South Tangerang Police, AKP Dicky Sutarman, said that his party had conducted a second survey at the location that was planned to be a BSD street race. He also added that his party had invited the motorcycle community and racing jockeys to ensure that the roads used were safe for dragrace vehicles. "We plan to have this BSD street race location on Jalan Green Boulevard. We invite the motorcycle community and motorcycle racing jockeys to see the conditions on the field," said Dicky to the media crew, Monday, January 17.

"The goal is to do a 'double track' and 'triple check' the condition of the existing road in the field from the 'safety' side from the asphalt side and so on," he continued. Dicky explained, the road was prepared for the Street Race in BSD which was 800 meters long. This is enough for 401m and there is already 800m for a straight track. After this survey, we will certainly report it to our leadership, the Chief of Police and the Director of Traffic and Traffic of Polda Metro Jaya, and we will wait for directions and instructions from the leadership," he explained. When asked whether This street race will be held every week, Dicky admitted that he could not provide this information. Because he had not received further instructions regarding the event. He also admitted that he did not know when the BSD Street Race would start. "Later, we are waiting for instructions and directions. from the leadership," he said.