Jember Regent's House Flooded Due To Flooding Of The Kalijompo River

JEMBER - The house of the Regent of Jember Hendy Siswanto along with dozens of houses in Ledok Village, Jember Kidul Village, Jember Regency was flooded due to overflowing of the Kalijompo River. The height of the flood in the local environment reached 2 meters.

All the families of the number one person in Jember were forced to go up to the 2nd floor because all the rooms on the 1st floor were flooded, even some residents in Ledok Village fled to relatives and neighbors' houses which were located a bit higher.

"Flooding almost occurred in several areas, especially Kaliwates District, including my house was also affected. This is indeed an annual flood and my house is always flooded due to the overflow of the Kalijompo River," said Regent of Jember Hendy Siswanto when inspecting his flooded house, reported by Antara, Monday, January 17th.

According to him, the flooding that hit the settlements in Ledok Village was due to high rainfall on the slopes of the Argopuro Mountains and not due to flash floods.

"This flood was due to heavy rain, so the Kalijompo River flow from Mount Pasang or the slopes of the Argopuro Mountains overflowed. It was not a flash flood because the water intensity was quite high," he said.

He said his party would do a mapping from upstream to downstream so that floods that occurred in several areas in Jember could be handled optimally and there would be no more annual floods.

"I appeal to residents who are on the banks of the Kalijompo River to stay away because the water discharge is quite high, so it is feared that the water will overflow quickly into settlements," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPBD Jember Sigit Akbari said there were several rivers that overflowed due to high rainfall, namely in the Jumerto area (Kelurahan) which rose about 2 meters and the river around the Bromo Road area also increased water flow.

"So far there are 6 flood locations from the data from the Jember BPBD Rapid Response Team and those overflowing in the Kalijompo River and we are also monitoring the Semangir River which caused flash floods some time ago," he said.

Based on data from the Jember BPBD, floods hit two sub-districts, namely Kaliwates and Patrang sub-districts with a total of 45 houses affected by the flood, but there were no casualties in the flood disaster.

Meanwhile, as many as 29 families (92 people) around Kongsi Kalijompo, Klungkung Village, Sukorambi District, took refuge in Kalijompo Field because the water flow of the Kalijompo River increased significantly.