PKS-Gerindra Battle For Deputy Governor Of DKI Jakarta

JAKARTA - The position of deputy governor (Deputy Governor) of DKI Jakarta has not yet been filled, after Sandiaga Uno left behind to accompany Prabowo Subianto in the 2019 Presidential Election. For 16 months, Anies Baswedan worked to lead DKI without a representative.
A long debate took place between the Gerindra Party and PKS in determining Sandiaga Uno's successor. There are several options that have emerged from this debate. First, leaving the position of Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta empty without a representative until the end of Anies' term. Second, carrying the names of two PKS cawagub, namely Ahmad Syaikhu and Agung Yulianto. However, this option failed because there was no agreement.
New suggestions emerged from the existing options. Gerindra Party proposed a new name as a candidate for deputy governor. There were four names sent, Ferry J. Juliantono, Arnes Lukman, DKI Regional Secretary Saefullah, and Riza himself.
Meanwhile, PKS proposed a new option, namely still nominating two cadres from PKS or removing one cadre and replacing it with cadres from other elements.
University of Al-Azhar Political Observer Ujang Komarudin said that the position of vice governor is vacant because of the protracted election process. Moreover, the two parties have not agreed and want their cadres to become candidates for deputy governor. When asked about the right party to occupy this seat, Ujang suggested that someone must lose from the two parties.
"We know, lastly, the Gerindra Party proposed A Riza Patria to replace Sandi's vice governor. And in PKS there are Ahmad Syaikhu and Agung Julianto. If they still insist, no one will be elected. So someone has to give in," he said at the time. contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Monday, December 30.
"But, who dares to offer higher political compensation (who gets the seat). Because we know, there is no free lunch in politics. There is no free lunch in politics," he said.
PKS President Sohibul Iman said his party was still discussing the election of a candidate for deputy governor for DKI Jakarta. There are currently two options being considered.
"Does PKS continue to nominate two PKS cadres who are likely to have the same risk as yesterday, not being processed by the DPRD. Or PKS then revokes one of its cadres, then we enter cadres from other elements to be proposed with PKS cadres. one of the PKS cadres can enter the cawagub election market, Sunday, December 29.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, is targeting that Sandiaga Uno's replacement can be elected in January 2020. In early 2020, Prasetio will form a committee to elect the deputy governor.
Prasetio said that the DPRD DKI Jakarta will continue the process of selecting the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta in early 2020. Prasetio will immediately form a committee for electing the Deputy Governor of Jakarta. Moreover, the rules for the election of the Deputy Governor have also been prepared by a special committee formed by the DPRD DKI in the previous period.
He added that the DKI DPRD does not yet know the names of the deputy governor candidates given by the supporting parties, namely the Gerindra Party and PKS. The DPRD is still holding on to the two proposed deputy governor candidates, namely PKS cadres Agung Yulianto and Ahmad Syaikhu.