The Form Of Parental Love And Government's Attention, East Lombok Regent Invites Children To Participate In The COVID Vaccine

MATARAM - COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 6-11 years in East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has begun to be intensified to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

"Children should not be afraid to be vaccinated," said the Regent of East Lombok, Sukiman Azmy during a child vaccination program at SDN 3 Selong, Antara, Monday, January 17.

As a form of protection for children, vaccination is a manifestation of the love and attention of the government and parents.

"With vaccination, children will be able to interact with friends and family more freely," he said.

The Regent is optimistic that the currently available vaccine dose will be completed soon considering the target is school students. Compared to the general public, school students are relatively easy to find because vaccinations are carried out in their respective schools.

"It is hoped that the 100,250 doses currently available will be completed soon so that East Lombok will receive the vaccine dropping again to complete the overall target for children aged 6-11 years to be vaccinated," he said.

Head of the East Lombok Health Office, H. Pathurrahman, said that the current target of vaccination services is children aged 6-11 years. However, students aged 12 years, who are included in the category of teenagers and are still in elementary school (SD) will also be vaccinated.

"In addition to elementary school students, COVID-19 vaccination will also be carried out at the Kindergarten (TK) level for 6 years old," he said.