Kasad Will Fire Soldiers Attacking Ciracas Police

JAKARTA - The Chief of Army Staff (KSAD), General TNI Andika Perkasa, has confirmed that he will fire 31 army soldiers who were involved in the destruction of the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta. The dismissal is an additional sanction after a criminal sentence.

"So far, from the results of the examination, all those examined have met the articles in the Military Criminal Code to be given additional punishment in the form of dismissal from military service," Andika told reporters, Sunday, August 30.

In addition, giving witnesses to dismissal is one proof of the seriousness of the Indonesian Army in resolving this issue. In fact, Andika said that it was better to lose dozens of soldiers than to keep soldiers who had broken their promises to become TNI.

"It is better to lose 31 one or any soldiers who are involved in any role than the name of the TNI. The Army will continue to be damaged by irresponsible behavior and in no way reflect the soldiers' oath that they made, promised when they became soldiers in the army," he explained. .

Meanwhile, the application of the criminal article for soldiers who violate it will vary. It depends on what they do in the attack and destruction.

"So apart from the criminal articles violated by each and this will be different from one another," said Andika.

Previously, dozens of TNI soldiers were suspected of being involved in the attack and vandalism of the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta. Some of them have even confessed their actions.

The action of vandalizing the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta, was said to have been triggered by Prada MI's confession. He admitted to his colleagues that he had been beaten by a number of people. The news was spread through the Whatsapp short message application group.

As for the destruction of the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta, occurred on Saturday, August 29, in the early hours of the morning. The damage was said to have been carried out by hundreds of unknown people.

The action caused the Police building and several facilities to be damaged. Three members were injured.