New Long Weekend Cluster Makes Daily Cases Of COVID-19 In Jakarta Translucent 1,114 People

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta has recorded new positive daily cases of COVID-19 which reached 1,114 people. DKI Health Office notes, one of the causes was donated from the long weekend cluster.

"The number of positive cases reached 1,114 people. Of these, 385 cases are the accumulated data from 7 days previously recently reported, most of which were exposed to COVID-19 during the long weekend in the period 16-22 August 2020. , "said the Head of Disease Prevention and Control, DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office, Dwi Oktavia, in his statement, Sunday, August 30.

Based on the latest data from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Health Office, 70 percent of positive cases today were cases taken by specimens on August 24 and 25 2020. He explained, if counted backwards, the most frequent incubation period is 6 days (incubation is the length of time the virus enters until it causes symptoms), then the patient accesses the PCR examination 1-2 days later, then the highest transmission period occurs on 16-17 August 2020.

"The specimen collection rate on August 27 is also quite high. We need to consider the long weekend effect for two consecutive weeks. There needs to be vigilance and joint efforts, both by the government and the community, in seeing the increasing trend in this case," Dwi said.

In addition, Dwi also conveyed, for the addition of cases today, 57 percent of them or as many as 630 new cases were the result of tracing at the Puskesmas, which examined the close contacts of positive patients. The tracing ratio in DKI Jakarta is currently 6, which means that out of 1 positive case, an average of 6 close contacts will be tested for PCR.

Meanwhile, from active case finding conducted by Puskesmas, 6 new cases were found. Meanwhile, from passive case finding in hospitals and clinics, 478 new cases were found.

Covid-19 test data in Jakarta (doc. Pemprov DKI Jakarta)

Although there is an increase in the number of daily cases, the death rate due to Corona in Jakarta has decreased. The DKI Provincial Government also stated that the number of active cases has decreased.

"We at the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will continue to pursue testing, tracing, and treatment in the handling of this outbreak. However, the public also needs to understand that to really solve this, we need to hold back together," he added.

With the addition of 1,114 cases, the total positive corona patients in Jakarta reached 39,280 people. 30,134 patients recovered, and 1,186 people died. Then, there are currently 7,960 active corona cases.