Police Investigate Video Of Woman Blocking A Car In North Sumatra That Viral Called Catching The Actors

MEDAN - Police are investigating a video of a woman blocking a car that has gone viral with the narrative of catching the perpetrator. The incident occurred on Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto, Kisaran, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra.

In the video circulating, the atmosphere looks crowded, a woman in a white dress can be seen lying down on a black car.

But the car still wanted to go, so the woman almost fell. Residents who witnessed the incident panicked and asked the car driver to stop.

"Hey, hey, get off you," the residents shouted.

Immediately the atmosphere became more crowded, residents asked the driver to get off. The driver then looked down to meet the residents and the woman who was in his car.

Separately, the Asahan Police Chief AKBP Putu Yudha said when confirmed that his party would investigate the video. Including, regarding the issue that says, the man in the video is a police officer.

"Thank you for the information. I will check," said AKBP Putu, confirmed by VOI, Monday, January 17.

Until now, said AKBP Putu, the Asahan Police Propam had not received a report related to the narrative that said that the man in the video was a police officer.

"There is no report yet," he said.