PDIP Calls Ubedilah Badrun For Reporting Gibran-Kaesang To The KPK Regarding Certain Political Parties

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P Hasto Kristiyanto said that the reporting of the Jakarta State University (UNJ) lecturer Ubedilah Badrun against the children of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Kaesang Pangarep to the KPK related to political parties.

This allegation emerged after a number of his party cadres did advocacy because they considered Ubedilah's report a form of politicization. In addition, Gibran has also denied the allegations of corruption.

"If we look at Mas Gibran's own statement, he has denied this and then several PDIP cadres have also advocated because this seems to be an act with a much stronger political weight," Hasto told reporters in Jakarta, Monday, January 17.

Not only that, Hasto said his party through the Surakarta PDIP DPC had also communicated with Gibran and clarification had been given directly. "Nevertheless, every effort to enforce the law is respected by PDIP," he stressed.

However, the party bearing the bull symbol has seen Ubedilah's track record, including on social media. Thus, the alleged reporting was related to another political party finally emerged.

"I think Mas Gibran's clarification can immediately reduce efforts to use the law as a political vehicle with certain motives," said Hasto.

"We also see how Ubaidillah's track record includes social media movements that reveal his involvement with certain political parties," he added.

Previously reported, Ubedilah reported the two children of President Jokowi because they were both suspected of corruption and money laundering. suspected of being involved in forest fires," Ubedilah told reporters after reporting to the KPK on Monday, January 10 last. Living with a value of Rp. 7.9 trillion. The Supreme Court (MA) then only granted the demands of Rp. 78 billion. Ubedilah said this happened after President Jokowi's son formed a joint company with a high-ranking subsidiary of PT SM in February 2019. With this condition, the allegations of corruption, collusion and nepotism very clearly involved Gibran, Kaesang, and the children of PT SM officials because of the injection. investment funds from venture companies. "Two times were disbursed. The figure was approximately Rp. 99.3 billion in the near future. After that, the president's son bought shares in a company whose figure was also quite fantastic at Rp. 92 billion," said Ubedilah. "And that for us is a big question mark, can a young person who has just set up a company easily get a capital investment with a quite fantastic figure if he is not the son of the president," he added.