Two Police Members Are Still Being Treated Due To The Attack On The Ciracas Police

JAKARTA - Three police officers were injured as a result of the attack on the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta. Two people had to be hospitalized because of injuries to several parts of his body.

"Two policemen are being treated. (Wounds) on the head and back," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Sunday, August 30.

Meanwhile, one person was not treated because he only suffered minor injuries. In addition, based on information, the attack incident also caused injuries to civilians.

It's just that, Yusri said that until now there has been no report regarding this matter. So far, his party is still looking for information and evidence related to the case.

"(A member) Only his finger was injured. The civilians have not been reported. All (evidence and clues) are still being collected," he said.

Previously, the assault incident assignment was divided into two. The Military Police (POM) of Kodam Jaya will investigate the involvement of TNI personnel. Meanwhile, the National Police explores the involvement of civilians in this case.

"We make the Integrated Team investigate this case. The one who takes care of it with the TNI, is in the TNI's domain. Meanwhile we are investigating whether there are other people who are not TNI," said Yusri

The action of vandalizing the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta, was said to have been triggered by Prada MI's confession. He admitted to his colleagues that he had been beaten by a number of people. The news was spread through the Whatsapp short message application group.

As for the destruction of the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta, occurred on Saturday, August 29, in the early hours of the morning. The damage was said to have been carried out by hundreds of unknown people.

The action caused the Police building and several facilities to be damaged. Three members were injured.