Positive Cases Of COVID-19 In Lebak Banten Increase

JAKARTA - The number of positive cases infected with COVID-19 in Lebak Regency, Banten, until Sunday, increased by two to 48 people from 46 people previously.

"The increase in positive cases of contracting the corona virus within a day," said dr Firman Rahmatullah, spokesman for the Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling of the Lebak Regency, said by Antara, Lebak, Sunday, August 30.

According to him, there are still many residents who do not comply with health protocols. They are in public places such as terminals, markets, squares.

In fact, the discipline of the health protocol has been regulated by the Lebak Regent (Perbup) Regulation Number 28 of 2020 concerning New Habit Adaptation (AKB).

Those who violate the health protocol can be subject to a fine of IDR 150 thousand to business actors IDR 25 million for the business actor.

It is very likely that COVID-19 cases in Lebak Regency continue to increase because of the low number of residents complying with health protocols.

According to Firman, the public must be aware of the second wave of the spread of COVID-19, so that if you leave the house you must always wear a mask, keep your distance and wash your hands.

"We hope that the public can increase awareness of wearing masks and keep their distance and enforce health protocols," he said.

He said that currently, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Lebak Regency was 48 people positive for corona, of which 26 people were declared cured, 20 people are undergoing isolation and two people have reportedly died.

Lebak Regency residents who tested positive for COVID-19 mostly after traveling to Jakarta and having close contact with people who tested positive for the corona.

In fact, one of them was a resident of Lebak shopping at Tanahabang Market, Jakarta, and afterwards tested positive for COVID-19.

"We are constantly disseminating information to the public to wear masks, keep our distance and wash our hands and not crowd," he said.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Lebak Iti Octavia said that all state civil servants (ASN) in the Lebak Regency Government should not travel outside the area if they are not urged to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Because, of the 48 positive people for COVID-19, among them were ASN / PNS after leaving the area.

"We will conduct special checks on ASN / PNS who are positive for COVID-19 after leaving the area, because the local government prohibits traveling outside the region, unless it is very important," he said.