Lemkapi Asked Ciracas Police Attackers Not Only Be Taken To Military Court

JAKARTA - Individual members of the TNI who are suspected of being involved in the attack on the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta are asked not only to be brought to the military court, but to be brought to the public court.

This was conveyed by the Executive Director of the Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute (Lemkapi) Edi Hasibuan in response to the attack allegedly carried out by TNI personnel.

"There needs to be heavy sanctions so that every TNI person involved in the crime is processed to the general court other than the military court," said Edi Hasibuan in a written statement, reported by Antara, Jakarta, Sunday, August 30.

He emphasized that this was needed to prevent similar cases from occurring in the future.

This former member of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) assesses that similar cases will continue to be repeated because every time the state assets are destroyed, the apparatus always takes refuge under the privileges and luxuries of the law.

With this privilege, elements of the apparatus are only processed in military courts and are not subject to general courts, said the lecturer at Bhayangkara University.

"We are of the opinion that only sanctions filing with the military court have not provided a deterrent effect and behavior change," he stressed.

He said that the destruction and burning of state assets belonging to the police could have an impact on public order disorder and threaten the safety of civilians.

Therefore, he asked the entire National Police to keep their spirits up and the people to sympathize with the Polri's patience in facing a group of individuals who attacked the Ciracas Metro Police.

Edi is sure that the TNI Commander is a firm person and will impose severe sanctions on those who damage and burn down the police station.

This case was allegedly triggered by an unscrupulous member of the TNI, Prada MI, who admitted to being a victim of beatings.

In fact, he was actually the victim of a single accident while riding a motorcycle around Jalan Kelapa Dua Wetan, Ciracas, East Jakarta, to be precise, near the Arundina traffic light junction.

Prada MI's confession triggered his friends to look for the perpetrators of the attack, causing the destruction of public facilities and an attack on the Ciracas Metro Police Headquarters on Jl Raya Bogor, East Jakarta.

Commander of the Military Police Center (Danpuspom) Maj. Gen. TNI Eddy Rate Muis in Jakarta, Saturday, confirmed that he would process all the perpetrators.

"So, no one will qualify. Let the team work first, if it is true, it will be proven that everyone will be charged under the applicable law," he said.