Attack On Ciracas Police, Danpuspom TNI: All Will Be Processed

JAKARTA - The trigger for the attack on the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta was said to be because Prada MI shared the news that he was beaten up. Based on the results of the initial examination, Prada MI was not attacked, but had a single accident.

Prada MI delivered the news through the whatsapp group. This is known from Prada MI's cell phone. Thus, he could be charged with the Electronic Transaction Information Law (ITE).

"We are still working and looking for everything if it is proven that there is a hoax, this will be charged with the existing Law, the ITE Law," said Danpuspom TNI Major General (Mayjen) TNI Eddy Rate Muis to reporters, Saturday, August 29.

According to him, not only Prada MI will be given strict sanctions if proven guilty. Anyone involved in the Ciracas Police attack case will certainly be charged with the applicable law.

"If later there are people involved, all of them will be processed according to the applicable law. If it is found later from other units or other agencies, no one will be covered up. All will be processed according to the applicable legal rules," said Eddy.

Previously, the action of vandalizing the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta was said to have been triggered by Prada MI's confession. He admitted to his colleagues that he had been beaten by a number of people. The news was spread through the Whatsapp short message application group.

As for the destruction of the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta, occurred on Saturday, August 29, in the early hours of the morning. The damage was said to have been carried out by hundreds of unknown people.

The action caused the Police building and several facilities to be damaged. Three members were injured.