Minister Of Agriculture Revokes Cannabis Rules For Built Medicinal Plants

JAKARTA - The Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, revokes the regulation regarding the cannabis plant as an agricultural assisted commodity. The Ministry of Agriculture will coordinate to revise the rules regarding marijuana.

"Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo is consistent and committed to supporting the eradication of drug abuse. The Minister of Agriculture Ministerial Decree 104/2020 will temporarily be revoked for review and revision will be made in coordination with relevant stakeholders (BNN, Ministry of Health, LIPI), ”said Director of Vegetables and Medicinal Plants at the Ministry of Agriculture's Directorate General of Horticulture, Tommy Nugraha in a press release, Saturday, August 29.

Tommy emphasized that the Minister of Agriculture is committed to ensuring that Kementan employees are drug free. The Ministry of Agriculture is also actively conducting joint education with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) regarding the transfer of food crop agriculture, horticulture and plantations to areas that have been illegally cultivating marijuana.

The Ministry of Agriculture in its explanation said that marijuana is a psychotropic plant that has been included in the medicinal plant group since 2006 with Kepmentan 511/2006.

In 2006, the guidance that was carried out was to divert cannabis farmers to plant other types of productive crops, and destroy the existing cannabis plants.

"The regulation of cannabis as a medicinal plant commodity group, only for cannabis plants grown for the benefit of medical and / or scientific services and legally by the Narcotics Law. Currently, we have not found a single cannabis farmer who is a legal farmer and is under the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture, "said Tommy.

The Ministry of Agriculture continued Tommy to provide cultivation business permits for plants that were previously regulated in Kepmentan 104/2020, with due observance of the provisions in the laws and regulations.

"Plant abuse is a separate part and of course there are separate regulations. In Law Number 13 Year 2010 concerning Horticulture, Article 67 paragraph (1) Cultivation of horticultural plant types that are detrimental to public health can be carried out for the benefit of health services and / or science, unless otherwise stipulated by law, "said Tommy. .