Earlier This Year, The Ministry Of Manpower Had Failed To Send 112 Illegal Migrant Workers
JAKARTA - The PMI Protection Task Force (PPMI Task Force) from the Directorate of PMI Placement and Protection held an inspection at the house that was used as a shelter for Prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers (CPMI) on Jl. Munggang, East Jakarta. The inspection was carried out on Saturday, January 15th.
The task force found 25 CPMIs who did not have placement documents and were indicated to be accommodated by PT PBAS. They will be placed in Saudi Arabia as Domestic Workers.
In the initial data collection, the 25 CPMIs came from West Nusa Tenggara as many as 12 people, West Java as many as 7 people, East Java as many as 2 people, and 1 person each from West Sulawesi, South Kalimantan, Banten and Central Java.
The Director General of Binapenta and PKK of the Ministry of Manpower, Suhartono, said that this inspection was the third time in January 2022 and saved 112 CPMI people who would be placed in a non-procedural manner which had an impact on TIP.
"We will assign the Director of Development of P2PMI to immediately investigate the results of the inspection on January 15, 2022, which is suspected to be the involvement of PT PBAS, which is the Indonesian Migrant Worker Placement Company (P3MI)," said Director General Suhartono, quoted from the ministry's website.
Director General Suhartono again appealed to people who intend to work abroad to ensure that the placement process is carried out by companies that already have permits from the government and are carried out according to procedures.
"The way to make sure can be done by visiting or contacting the Provincial/Regency/City Manpower Office or the local One-Stop Integrated Service (LTSA)," he said.
Director of P2PMI Development, Rendra Setiawan stated that his party immediately followed up on the results of the inspection to explore P3MI's involvement.
"If proven, we will not hesitate to impose administrative sanctions on P3MI and will also coordinate with the Directorate General of Binwasnaker, Ministry of Manpower to jointly explore the results of this inspection related to the criminal element," said Rendra.