Akhyar's Alleged Case Is Brought Up Again, Volunteers: Just Have a Healthy Campaign

JAKARTA - The prospective Medan mayor, Akhyar Nasution, has been mentioned again about the police summons that he has never answered. Akhyar's volunteer asks all parties to campaign healthily.

"Just have a healthy campaign, a positive campaign with ideas," said Head of JAMU (Make Akhyar Medan Satu) Volunteers, Ade Darmawan, to reporters, Friday, August 28.

According to him, the public wants to witness healthy competition in simultaneous regional elections. Therefore, prospective candidates, including the political parties that carry Ade, must show healthy politics.

"No need to attack here and there. Let's have a healthy campaign to build Medan, ”continued Ade.

Previously, the Secretary-General of PDIP, Hasto Kristiyanto, gave a response about Akhyar Nasution's moment when he met with the Democrat Head, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). Hasto didn't directly comment on the Akhyar-AHY video call connection, but he did mention Akhyar's footsteps of being summoned by law enforcement.

"He was summoned by the police. He must be accountable for a fund of around IDR 4.6 billion transparently. It is related to MTQ. It is a momentum full of religious values ​​that should be respected by all parties. There should not be any misuse," said Hasto.

On Thursday, August 27, Akhyar visited the Democratic DPP. Through a video call, Akhyar communicated with AHY who emphasized that he had provided recommendations for support in the Medan Pilkada. AHY also asked Akhyar - who was fired from the PDIP - to raise the Democrats in Medan.

"Winning the votes, hearts, and minds of the people of Medan City," said AHY to Akhyar.