Regarding The Urge To Stop PTM In Jakarta, Deputy Governor: Must Obey The Rules, People Will Protest Later

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, realizes that many parties are pressing for face-to-face learning (PTM) with 100 percent capacity to be suspended temporarily.

This insistence was expressed by the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) and several members of the DKI DPRD. The termination of PTM in Jakarta is considered necessary considering that there have been findings of COVID-19 cases in schools.

However, Riza admitted that the DKI Provincial Government could not decide to close schools and re-implement distance learning (PJJ) because 100 percent PTM was still allowed in areas that implemented PPKM Level 1 and 2.

"There are many recommendations, from IDAI asking to be closed, friends from the council also asking to be closed, however, we must obey and obey the existing rules and regulations," Riza told reporters, Friday, January 14.

So, currently DKI is still following the rules in the Joint Decree of the 4 Ministers Number 05/KB/2021, Number 1347 of 2021, Number HK.01.08/MENKES/6678/2021, and Number 443-5847 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for Implementation of Future Learning. COVID-19 pandemic.

Therefore, the chairman of DPD Gerindra DKI admitted that the DKI Provincial Government is still coordinating regarding the evaluation of 100 percent PTM in the capital city. Riza said that if DKI immediately closed the PTM, it would result in protests.

"The existing rules from the Ministry of Education have a limited 100 percent PTM requirement. We DKI meet the requirements for that. If we close, people will protest," he said. 19 when running PTM 100 percent. The cases were found in 10 schools. PTM was stopped for 5 days at the school.

The following are 10 schools that have recorded cases of COVID-19: 1. SDN Ceger 02 Pagi (3 students)2. SDN Susukan 08 Morning (1 student)3. SDN Jati 01 Pagi (1 student)4. Andalus Islamic Junior High School (1 student)5. SMP Labschool Jakarta (1 teacher)6. SMPN 252 Jakarta (1 student)7. SMAN 71 Jakarta (1 student)8. SMA Labschool Jakarta (2 students and 1 teacher)9. SMAN 20 Jakarta (1 student)10. SMKS Malacca Jakarta (1 student)