Exclusive Cut Meyriska The Totality Of Parenting From The Pregnancy

JAKARTA - Opening 2022, Cut Meyriska returns to play in a family-themed film, Ada In-laws in My House. Together with her husband, Roger Danuarta, every role they play becomes a household lesson.

There is a mother-in-law in my house telling about Irfan (Roger Danuarta) and Mala (Cut Meyriska) who are just starting a household. When they were about to have their first night, they arrived by Bambang (Rano Karno), Mala's father.

As a result, Irfan and Mala felt disturbed by Bambang's presence in the midst of their intimacy. They try to deal with Bambang's miraculous behavior and make a surprise.

Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta admitted that they had experienced something similar, namely living with their parents at the beginning of their marriage.

Cut Meyriska (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

"Indeed, we lived with our parents at the beginning of our marriage, but it was only a month or two, Mama went to Jakarta because I wanted to be close to us at the time, especially since I was just pregnant, I wanted to be close," said Cut Meyriska, met by VOI at the Falcon Pictures office, Duren. Three, South Jakarta, some time ago.

Apparently it became a beautiful memory, because in the second pregnancy, Cut Meyriska was not accompanied by her father anymore. In fact, she did not feel pregnant because she was busy taking care of the needs of her father who was sick and died in Aceh.

"Being pregnant with the second child made a flashback when I wasn't aware I was pregnant. The first child was not aware, was playing an extreme game of water sports, and it turned out that I was pregnant. I didn't know I was pregnant with this second child because you were taking care of my father from illness, until his father nothing, until seven days dad, I just calmed down. And then realized, how come I'm not menstruating, yes, "recalls Cut Meyriska.

After the mind calms down and the funeral affairs are over, then Cut Meyriska thinks to check her pregnancy. "I told my sister to buy a test pack, I checked and I was pregnant. I was confused about how to tell Roger. Well at that time Roger was often asking me to play games for vlogs, keep playing games, tell me you're pregnant," she said.

Cut Meyriska (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Every pregnancy is always greeted with joy by the couple. "Roger was surprised, but he really wanted to. I really remember in July saying 'Poor Syakir playing alone without his sister'. Then August was pregnant," he explained.

Despite nausea and vomiting, Cut Meyriska did not complain about her pregnancy. She wants to stay active and enjoy her pregnancy. "I didn't feel anything during my first pregnancy. I was nauseous for a while, but I kept walking. At that time I went to Europe up the mountain. Vomited six times a day, but still walked. The pregnancy was very strong," he said.

Cut Meyriska felt different things when she was pregnant for the second time. "Before knowing that pregnancy was inherently sick, I was tired when asked to work. So if you want to work, you have to lie down all day to gather energy. If you don't rest first, you will get sick. You have to arrange it in such a way," he said.

Although tired and troubled with pregnancy, this woman who was born on May 26, 1993 did not want to complain. She really enjoys being a mother.

"It's really nice to be a mother. Tired of being lost when I see a child. It feels really good, when I see a child, the tiredness is gone. That's why my son never sleeps with the caretaker or my mother. No matter how tired he is, the child always sleeps with my husband and I. That's the principle us," he said.

It turned out that not only Cut Meyriska, Roger Danuarta also took an active role in raising children. As a father, Roger took care of Shaquille.

"Roger is more fragile when taking care of children. Every game that children want to give, children's growth and development must have knowledge. For example, Shaquille is just learning motor skills, he buys toys to learn to open and close, and continues to learn colors," said Cut Meyriska.

Sharing the Role of Parents
Cut Meyriska (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

The role of fathers in parenting makes children more confident. It felt right for Shaquille.

"Now Shaquille likes to climb, so buy toys that are safe for climbing. Shaquille is smart, for example, once he falls, he learns to be more careful. The second time he understands that he has to learn. Usually, mostly mothers, right, this is Roger, who is better ," he added.

Sharing roles, said Cut Meyriska, made her pregnancy feel lighter. "When I was before I was pregnant, Shaquille was very close to me. I want him to stick with me. For the past month, Shaquille has been very close to Roger. So I'm getting more rest, when I give birth it won't be too bothersome because Shaquille is close to his father," he hoped.

Having two children, Roger and Cut Meyriska try not to be selective. They want to keep their love for children intact.

"If you have a second child, you have to love your first child more so that you don't get jealous. From now on, it looks like this can be done, because the child is really your father's son. His father went away a little crying. So, when Shaquille was born, he could be with his father," he said. .

Cut Meyriska (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

For them, children are the door of fortune to be grateful for. Its presence must be prepared both physically and mentally since pregnancy.

"Never mind after having children, after wearing the hijab, I'm sure that my fortune will be arranged the same as above. After wearing the hijab, I will be more relaxed. If this is luck, I will definitely get it, if not, I don't want to force it. It's like getting a movie offer with my husband. , even though we still need and need it, if we don't have luck, we don't need it. Children and health are fortune for us," said Cut Meyriska.

As a soap opera actor who chases air, he admits that he used to be passionate about pursuing fortune. After having children, their views changed. "The fortune is decreasing, isn't it. The doors of fortune are everywhere," he said.

That's why they don't want to sacrifice childcare to work continuously. "The principle that we both don't want to let go of the child to the baby sitter completely. Like yesterday's film premiere, bringing the child is complicated. Roger knows how many hours we leave the child, if mom or aunt is at home it's safe to go out. But if it's just the same only the nurse, I guarantee that Roger will not allow it. It must be taken by his son, taken anywhere, "he said.

Cut Meyriska (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

If they are forced to leave their children at home, they will continue to monitor them from CCTV. "At the cctv house, the sound is continuously monitored. Roger is all recorded, what time the crying child was recorded with him. After that, he opened it, why did he cry. I'm really happy to have a husband," said Cut Meyriska with a smile.

So that it is not difficult to arrange a schedule, Cut Meyriska takes on the role of her husband's manager. "I set Roger and I's schedule. Only then to his assistant. That alone is already a hassle for me. Not to mention other arrangements," he explained.

The hassle was commensurate with Roger's active role in parenting. Roger always uses his free time for children.

"The energy part to take care of the child Roger can be relied on. Many of my friends have complained, it's really good for you, my man isn't like that. But I'm very grateful, Roger bathes the child until he can massage the child," he said proudly.

Cut Meyriska told them to go through the course and look for references for baby massage to the experts. "Rarely husbands can massage their children, if the child is sick or tired, it's Roger or me who massages it. Until we make it up, we will understand," he said.

So how many children do they expect? "There are at least three children. I like to be busy, I like to get together. I have friends if there's something wrong, I'm not alone. I really feel like it's just the two of me, it's better to have friends to discuss. So if you have more than one sibling, it can be mutually beneficial. take care, communicate with each other," concluded Cut Meyriska.