Former Banyuwangi Regent Azwar Anas Inaugurated As Head Of LKPP
JAKARTA - Minister of National Development Planning (PPN/Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa inaugurated former Banyuwangi Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas as Head of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP).
"We all hope that LKPP will continue to improve its work in producing government goods/services procurement policies, especially in favor of national industry so that it can encourage other industries," said Suharso at the Bappenas building in Jakarta, as stated on the LKPP website quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 13.
Azwar Anas has gone through 5 stages of tests, namely administrative selection, track record, paper writing, assessment center, and medical tests since November 9, 2021.
Suharso also advised LKPP to oversee the formation of the new State Capital in terms of procurement of government goods and services, readiness for the G20 presidency as well as the revitalization of the Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park (TMII) and the ASEAN Summit.
Azwar Anas is known to get a perfect score of 100 during the assessment center selection as stated in the announcement sheet Number 05/PANSEL.JPTU/12/2021.
He outperformed two other candidates, namely Acting Chairperson of LKPP Sarah Sadiqa with an assessment score of 99 and Deputy for Legal Affairs and Settlement of LKPP Disputes Setya Budi Arijanta.
The Head of LKPP has been vacant since September 8, 2021 because the Head of LKPP for the 2019-2021 period Roni Dwi Susanto is the Main Widyaiswara within the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas.