Mayor Of Solok Becomes The Third Regional Head In West Sumatra Positive For COVID-19

PADANG - The spread of the Covid-19 virus in West Sumatra is again targeting regional heads. Now it is the turn of the Mayor of Solok, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) Zul Elfian to be confirmed positive for COVID-19.

The Head of Protocol and Communication for the Head of the Regional Secretariat for the City of Solok, Nurzal Gustim, confirmed this. He said the results of Zul Elfian's swab test came out on Thursday, August 27 afternoon.

"Based on the results of the rapid swab test or what is called TCM carried out by the RSUD on him, he has confirmed a positive result for COVID-19," said Nurzal Friday, August 28.

Zul experienced a smell problem before he was confirmed positive. The cause of the olfactory disturbance cannot be determined through X-rays.

"The ability of the sense of smell decreased and after X-rays and laboratory tests, the results showed no abnormalities," said Nurzal.

Zul Elfian is currently undergoing independent isolation at his home. The Solok COVID-19 Handling Task Force will also conduct swab tests on people who had close contact with Zul in the past.

Zul Elfian became the third regional head who was confirmed positive for Covid-19 in West Sumatra. Apart from him, the Regent of Padang Pariaman Ali Mukhni and Deputy Mayor of Payakumbuh Erwin Yunaz also tested positive for COVID-19.

Erwin Yunas has been confirmed positive since August 19. Four days later it was Ali Mukhni's turn to be confirmed positive after taking the swab test.