War, COVID-19, Now Flash Floods Hit Afghanistan At One Time

JAKARTA - Flash floods that hit Kabul, Afghanistan killed 72 people. The swift floods on Wednesday morning, August 26 also destroyed three hundred houses and cut off road access.

Reported by Reuters on Friday, August 28, Afghanistan's Ministry of Disaster Management has sent a rescue team. They continued digging in the mud all day to find bodies.

The floods have caused severe losses. Apart from the death toll, flash floods also injured 90 people.

Not only in Kabul. Floods also hit other provinces. At Maidan Wardak, two people died. In Nangahar, the death toll was the same.

The condition of this flash flood disaster was exacerbated by endless wars. That is exacerbating the impact of Afghanistan's economic downturn. War, pandemic, and now flash floods.