Governor Of East Kalimantan: State Capital Law Enacted Maximum 18 February 2022

SAMARINDA - Governor of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) Isran Noor said the State Capital Law (UU IKN) will be passed in early 2022 as the basis for moving IKN from Jakarta to East Kalimantan.

"January 18, maximum February 18. Later the President will come to East Kalimantan at the end of the month on the 31st," said Isran in Samarinda, quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 13.

Isran explained, East Kalimantan still has responsibilities that are adjusted to its level. Every year in terms of the budget, it has been prepared and coordinated in support of the IKN development plan program from the East Kalimantan Regional Budget.

"Besides, we have to follow what has to be done with the capacity we have in accordance with the central government's plan," he explained.

Therefore, Isran Noor emphasized that his party was still waiting until the IKN Law was passed by the DPR.

Governor Isran said the central government and regional governments all hoped that the whole community would remain in harmony even with the transfer of the IKN.

Meanwhile, when asked about the challenges in relocating IKN, he said that of course there are but not something to fuss about.

"There will definitely be challenges. It's normal that it's a 'nothing' challenge (that's okay). If 'no' there is a 'no' challenge, it's fun," he said.