All Red, Desiree Tarigan Is Getting More Stylish After Separating From Hotma Sitompul

JAKARTA - Not always separation makes people hurt. There are times when a breakup makes people grow better after getting out of an unhealthy relationship. This was shown by Desiree Tarigan after agreeing to divorce Hotma Sitompul.

Desiree seemed tired of acting. During his marriage, he admitted to doing an image of a happy family.

"Household is indeed an image. We can't be bad at our household. It's impossible for us to say something that is not good in our household," said Desiree, quoted on Friday, January 7th.

Image in Desiree's eyes is an effort as well as a prayer for each individual's household. "Actually, that image is hope. We hope that our household will run like that, that's what we show. We consider that a prayer. If the opposite happens, well, we can't predict what will happen in the future," he said.

Even Desiree Tarigan did not avoid pretending when sharing content with Hotma Sitompu in the past. "There is (when pretending). What we share, we hope that other people will take the positive. So friends, take the positive, don't take the negative. That's it," he concluded.

Desiree Tarigan is known to have been married to Hotma Sitompul for 22 years. The domestic conflict between the two arose because of the case of usurping land rights which had been ended amicably.

Desiree Tarigan seemed happier. Desiree's business is growing, from a cake shop, now Desiree also has a clothing line. Even as a YouTuber, Desiree is also increasingly successful. Even Desiree has regular podcast content for her channel.

In several uploads, Desiree Tarigan does not hesitate to wear red. Her appearance actually looks elegant and cheerful in her red dress.