Mothers At Legi Market Solo Amazed To See Mas Gibran Jump Directly, Some Praise 'Handsome Son Pak Jokowi'

SOLO - The Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, saw the process of moving traders' stalls at the Legi emergency market to a new building provided by the Solo City Government, Thursday, January 13.

Some of the buildings or stalls of traders were seen directly by Gibran. Meanwhile Satpol PP and related officers were seen busy dismantling the merchant buildings and placed them in prepared cars. Every now and then, Gibran chats with some of the staff.

Gibran's presence at Legi Market certainly attracts the attention of traders and residents around the market. Observed from the Surakarta news Youtube channel, the traders were standing in front of the shop which was located right on the side of the road.

One of the mothers, who was confirmed by the media crew at the location, admitted that she barely recognized Gibran. But in the end he found out that the man in white with black pants was the number one person in Solo.

"Yes, handsome, Pak Jokowi's son is not handsome," said the mother while looking at Gibran's activities in the market.

After monitoring the demolition and relocation of traders' stalls, Gibran went to the residents and chatted. Not wanting to lose the opportunity, several mothers approached him and asked for a selfie.

"I would like to suggest that there is no public handwashing yet," suggested one of the traders at the location.

"Enggeh...enggeh (Yes), I'll add it later, just move first, later the more or less will be completed," replied Gibran. The input from other market traders will also be evaluated by the Solo City Government. For example, a noisy exhaust or high stairs for carrying laborers.

"This Saturday, the Director General will be here, so we can evaluate it again," said the eldest son of President Joko Widodo.