Ministry Of Religion Letters To BNPB Requests Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory To Be Umrah Quarantine Place

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion has sent a letter to the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) so that Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, Jakarta, can be used as a quarantine location for Umrah pilgrims after returning from Saudi Arabia.

"In anticipating the return of Umrah pilgrims, the Ministry of Religion has sent a letter to the Head of BNPB so that the Jakarta Hajj Dormitory can be used as an alternative quarantine location," said Deputy Minister of Religion Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi during a working meeting with Commission VIII DPR quoted Antara, Thursday, January 13. .

He explained that a feasibility survey of the Jakarta Hajj Dormitory as a quarantine location had been carried out by a team of BNPB experts on November 26, 2021. Administrative procedures are being pursued so that quarantine can be carried out at the Jakarta Hajj Dormitory.

In the early stages of returning home, there will be 419 Umrah pilgrims who previously departed from Jakarta on January 8, and are scheduled to arrive in Indonesia on January 17. They must undergo quarantine for seven days before returning to their respective areas.

"We hope that BNPB has approved the use of the Jakarta Hajj Dormitory as a quarantine location for returning pilgrims before January 17, 2022," said the Deputy Minister of Religion.

Previously, Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory had been used as a place for isolation and treatment of COVID-19 patients with moderate and mild symptoms in July 2021. At that time the need for isolation and treatment was very urgent because of the hospital's inability to accommodate patients.

At that time, five buildings were prepared as places to treat COVID-19 patients, namely buildings A, B, C, H, and D5. One building that has been used for intensive care of COVID-19 patients with moderate and severe symptoms is the Arafah Building.

Meanwhile, the other two buildings used as accommodation for health workers are the D3 and D4 buildings, with a total capacity of 376 beds.