Man Angles Toddler's Neck With Cigarettes In Tambora: Victim Tortured At Suspect's House

JAKARTA - The toddler with the initials DRA (2) suffered burns all over his body after being burned by cigarettes and matches by his father's co-workers in the Tambora area, West Jakarta.

According to police investigation, the perpetrator with the initials R (31) had the heart to abuse the victim because he was often insulted by the victim's father.

This case emerged after the victim's video circulated on social media. In the video, it can be seen that the victim suffered burns from his neck to several parts of his body.

Tambora Police Chief Kompol M Faruk Rozi said the perpetrator's initials R had been secured by his side. Currently still undergoing a number of examinations at the West Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters. According to the perpetrator, he was annoyed with the victim's father because he often mocked him at work.

"The victim's parents have made a report," said the police chief when confirmed by reporters, Thursday, January 13.

Kompol Faruk said the abuse was carried out at the suspect's house. Inside the house, the perpetrator launched his action by burning the victim's body parts.

"Where the victim was brought to the suspect's house and at that place the victim was burned or ignited using a lighter so that the victim suffered burns to several parts of his body," he said.

For his actions, R was charged with Article 80 of the Criminal Code regarding the abuse of minors with a penalty of 5 years in prison.