3 SAR Teams Formed To Search For Ngatijan Drifting In The Celeng River, Bantul

JAKARTA - The Joint Search and Rescue (SAR) team has formed three teams to conduct a search for Ngatijan, the victim who was reported to have been swept away in the Celeng River, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, since Wednesday, January 12 night.

"The search by the Joint SAR Team today, Thursday, starts at 07.00 WIB. For the first day of the search, personnel are divided into three SRUs (Search and Rescue Units)," said Head of the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) Yogyakarta L. Wahyu Efendi, Yogyakarta. , Thursday January 13th.

He explained that for the first SRU, the team conducted a search around the incident location, the second SRU conducted a search to the south by "body rafting", and the third SRU did a dive around the location.

"The dive team will look at the condition of the water at the location related to the current and its visibility. And information from the Joint SAR Command, the river contour is not too rocky, but there are many dams," he said quoted from Antara.

Spokesperson for the Yogyakarta Basarnas Pipit Eriyanto explained that Ngatijan (victim), a resident of Karangtengah, Imogiri, Bantul Regency with three friends on Wednesday (12/1) night was looking for firewood at the Celeng River.

Information obtained from the Bantul Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) personnel, he said, at that time the victim was looking for firewood using a pole.

Then the three friends left the victim alone on the banquet at the Kali Celeng, but when the second witness returned to look at the river, the victim was no longer at the location at 20.20 WIB.

"Receiving the report, the Yogyakarta Basarnas dispatched a 'rescue' team equipped with 'water rescue' equipment to the scene to coordinate with the joint SAR team already on the scene," he said.