Lampung Health Office Has Not Confirmed 1 Provincial Government Employee Exposed To Omicron, Waiting For Research And Development Test Results

LAMPUNG - The Lampung Provincial Health Office stated that it had not been able to confirm that a positive COVID-19 patient in the area was exposed to the Omicron variant.

"It is not yet certain that a person who has been confirmed positive for COVID-19 today is an Omicron patient, because they are still waiting for the results because this is a normal COVID-19 case," said Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Office Reihana in Bandarlampung, Antara, Thursday, January 13.

Samples of positive COVID-19 patients are waiting for the results of the Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and S Gene Target Failure (SGTF) follow-up examinations from Litbangkes.

He added that a case investigation had also been carried out from the positive confirmed case of COVID-19 to 100 close contacts who came from the work and family environment.

"We have traced 100 people who come from the work environment and the families concerned and the results are negative from COVID-19, but indeed there is one family member who has been confirmed positive after undergoing a rapid antigen test," he said.

According to him, a confirmed patient was an ASN of the Lampung Provincial Government, who had just traveled out of town.

"Based on the epidemiological examination, the patient is indeed an ASN within the Lampung Provincial Government, who has just returned from Bogor. Currently, there are no results showing exposure to Omicron," he said.

He explained that if a new Omicron variant of COVID-19 was found, his party would immediately send the patient to the hospital for treatment.

"Indeed, there has been a circular from the Ministry of Health, so if anyone is exposed to Omicron, they will be immediately sent to the hospital to prevent it from spreading. However, there are currently no cases of Omicron in Lampung," he said.