Expelled During A Meeting, Komnas Perempuan Admits To Having Reported Being Late To The Secretariat Of Commission III Of The DPR

JAKARTA - Head of Komnas Perempuan Andy Yentriyani said that the issue of miscommunication related to late attendance and expulsion from the meeting room had been discussed. Komnas Perempuan was expelled from the meeting by Deputy Chairperson of Commission III DPR Desmond J Mahesa.

"Earlier, Bang Desmond came to meet us in the waiting room. The point was just miscommunication. We hope that there will be a special room to see how the human rights enforcement situation for women's groups is. Because violence against women is a building block of human rights violations and requires attention from Commission III ," said Andy at the DPR building, Thursday, January 13

Andy told Desmond he had arrived virtually on time.

"We thought it was allowed because we had permission before 10:00. Bang Desmond was not informed and it was very thin, yes, I was also late, in fact, I arrived. Because I've been on Zoom since 10:00," Andy explained.

Andy said that he had conveyed that he would be physically late to the secretariat of Commission III. Andy said that originally he could not be physically present from the start. But already confirmed it would be too late because it could not be represented.

"It has (virtually attended). Because from the start I said I couldn't attend at 10:00, but I couldn't represent it because this is a very important meeting for Komnas Perempuan so the chairperson must be present. I will be late, I will follow the online dr first, as soon as I can come to the room," he explained.

Therefore, said Andy, Komnas Perempuan asked to reschedule the meeting with Commission III. This is because there are a number of important agendas and issues concerning women that need to be discussed with Commission III.

"We hope that there will be a meeting specifically regarding women's human rights in Indonesia. We can see that some of the cases that were raised earlier were the space for Komnas Perempuan, there was the TPKS Bill, how about Herry Wirawan, and others. Including Komnas Perempuan in 2022, it will conduct a major evaluation on restorative justice, which was asked earlier. So actually we are very ready for today's meeting, so we are waiting. We really hope that the leadership of Commission III will inform, "said Andy.