Jakarta Deputy Governor Delivers Bad News, 7 Schools Temporarily Stop PTM In Jakarta Due To COVID-19 Findings

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said, there were seven schools that temporarily suspended face-to-face learning (PTM) with a capacity of 100 percent of students.

The termination of the PTM was carried out due to the findings of a COVID-19 case that infected students at the school. However, Riza did not specify which schools were re-implementing distance learning (PJJ) due to the termination of the PTM.

"Regarding PTM, there are already several schools, at least there are 7 schools that we have temporarily closed," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Thursday, January 13.

Meanwhile, the DKI Provincial Government has not evaluated the implementation of 100 percent PTM when there have been cases of COVID-19 in schools and the Omicron variant has been transmitted through local transmission.

"We'll see the progress. It's not completely closed because Jakarta still meets the requirements to open 100 percent PTM, except for schools that are confirmed to have COVID-19 there," said Riza. As is known, as of January 12 there was an additional 412 new cases, so that currently active COVID-19 cases in Jakarta reach 2,752 people who are still being treated or undergoing isolation.

Meanwhile, the findings of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 cases in the capital city have reached 498 cases. Of the total Omicron cases, 409 were overseas travelers and the remaining 89 were cases of local transmission.

Previously, the DKI Provincial Government had temporarily suspended PTM in two schools for five days due to the findings of COVID-19 cases. One case was a student of SMA Negeri 71 Jakarta and the other case was a student of SMK Malacca.