Omicron In Jakarta Has Spread, Face-To-Face Schools Have Not Been Evaluated, PSI: The Effect Of Rarely Communicating With The Center

JAKARTA - Deputy Chair of Commission E of the DKI DPRD from the PSI Fraction, Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, regrets the DKI Provincial Government's unreactive attitude in evaluating face-to-face learning (PTM) at 100 percent capacity when the Omicron variant of COVID-19 has spread.

In its implementation, the DKI Provincial Government does not stop PTM 100 percent because it has to follow the rules of the central government. Where, regions that apply PPKM Level 1 and 2 are allowed to be 100 percent PTM.

However, Jakarta's buffer zones, namely Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi, have decided to postpone the PTM 100 percent when climbing PPKM Level 2 to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

"The DKI Provincial Government should have been faster. We are in the capital city, the City Hall is only a few hundred meters from the palace. If we don't do it right, it will have a direct impact on the central government, directly impacting Indonesia. This is the effect that we rarely talk about," said Anggara to journalists, Thursday, January 13.

Anggara asked the DKI Provincial Government to coordinate better with the central government. He also reminded the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government not to appear to be distancing themselves from the central government.

"I think the provincial government should be more proactive. Don't let there be too many victims and then scream. In addition, we hope that there will be no more public views that see the center and DKI as enemies. We in the government must be an example for the community," he said. As of January 12, there were 412 new cases added, so that currently active cases of COVID-19 in Jakarta have reached 2,752 people who are still being treated or undergoing isolation.

Meanwhile, the findings of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 cases in the capital city have reached 498 cases. Of the total Omicron cases, 409 were overseas travelers and the remaining 89 were cases of local transmission.

Since the implementation of 100 percent PTM at the start of the new academic year 2021/2022, there have been two cases of COVID-19 infecting school students. One case was a student of SMA Negeri 71 Jakarta and the other case was a student of SMK Malacca. PTM in both schools was suspended for five days.

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria admitted that his party had not been able to evaluate the implementation of PTM 100 percent. Although he agrees with the suggestion of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) which asked PTM to be suspended temporarily, he said that the DKI Provincial Government cannot make decisions on its own.

"PTM is already a regulation from the central government, until today we have not reduced PTM because DKI is a province that fulfills the requirements to implement limited PTM," said Riza.

"I agree (input) from the Indonesian Pediatrician Association IDAI, but we cannot decide everything on our own. We also have to decide together with the central government," he continued.