Mayor Bobby Nasution Supports Making Medan A Health Tourism Destination

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution fully supports improving the quality of health services to make the capital city of North Sumatra Province a health tourism destination.

"Many people in Medan City choose health services from neighboring country hospitals. If this can be minimized, it will certainly be an opportunity for Medan City," Bobby said in Medan, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 12.

In addition to a lot of potential that can be explored in the health sector, he continued, it is hoped that the city of Medan can be more widely known.

Moreover, continued Bobby Nasution, Indonesia as a health tourism destination was also President Jokowi's hope when he inaugurated an international standard hospital in Denpasar, Bali some time ago.

"We are currently building collaboration and communication with related 'stakeholders', such as hotels and hospitals to design concepts to support this desire," said Mayor Bobby.

Director of the Columbia Asia Hospital in Medan, Sutomo Kasiman, said that his party supports the local government's desire to make Medan City a health tourism destination.

As a form of support for improving health services in the city of Medan, he said, Columbia Asia Hospital will provide CSR assistance and provide a "call center" service.

"We provide CSR and 'call center' assistance to make it easier for people who need health services in conditions of urgency," he said.