Approved As A DPR Initiative Bill Next Week, Here Is The Mechanism For Discussing The TPKS Bill Before Becoming A Law
JAKARTA - The fate of the Draft Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence (RUU TPKS) will be decided next week, Tuesday, August 18, 2022. It is planned that at the plenary session, the TPKS Bill will be ratified as an initiative bill by the DPR RI.
After being approved as a DPR initiative bill, the next stage is the drafting mechanism. Only then did the discussion take place.
The chairman of the TPKS Bill Working Committee (Panja) Willy Aditya is waiting for the decision so that it can be submitted to the government to send the president's letter and the problem inventory list (DIM).
"Of course we are waiting for it to be ratified and then sent to the government to convey the presidential decree and DIM. The results of communication with the government through the PPPA minister and the chairman of the Wamenkumham task force team, they are very ready," Willy said when contacted, Wednesday, January 12.
If you look at the stages, the process until the TPKS Bill can finally be ratified into a law seems to be a long one.
After being ratified in a plenary meeting next week, the discussion of article by article of the TPKS Bill can only be carried out between the DPR and the government after the Surpres and DIM.
There are at least two stages of discussing the bill, namely level I and level II discussions. Usually, in the discussion of the bill in the DPR, a popular consultation, tug-of-war or even a tough discussion occurs at level I. Because that's when the substance of article by article is discussed. DPR will invite all competent parties. Such as legal experts, NGOs, and other elements of the community for their suggestions and input to be heard. Not to mention the tug of war interest in the DPR which could determine whether the bill is discussed sooner or later.
Simply put, the Deliberative Body will determine the discussion of the TPKS Bill in the Legislation Body (Baleg) or in a commission or special committee (pansus). After that, the government and factions in the DPR submitted the DIM to be discussed together.
Then just enter the Formulating Team and the Synchronization Team. If it is agreed, the discussion will be brought to level I and then continued to a plenary meeting for a level II decision or ratification into a law.
"The crucial point after this is where it will be discussed. If there is a legislative body, the process is continuous, if it is in the special committee or Commission VIII it will start from the beginning and there will be a new situation. Of course it depends on the leadership, if there is a Bamus it will be decided at the Bamus. If possible, before the plenary session It has been decided where the ratification will be discussed. Because if the surpres goes down, go a head, "he explained. "If there are not many changes it will be very fast," he continued. It is known, the certainty of the plenary meeting schedule regarding the TPKS Bill was conveyed by the Chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, today. It is known that the DPR has only returned to activity after almost a month of recess. "The leadership of the DPR RI will immediately follow up on the TPKS Bill in accordance with the provisions of the existing mechanism in the DPR RI," said Puan during a speech at the DPR plenary meeting, parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, 11. January. "So, God willing, next week, Tuesday, January 18, the TPKS Bill will be ratified as a DPR RI initiative bill," he added.