Judge Rejects Application Of Justice Collaborator Former KPK Investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju

JAKARTA - The panel of judges rejected the application of former KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju who volunteered as a witness to the perpetrators who collaborated with law enforcement or "justice collaborator" (JC).
"At the trial, the defendant has presented a witness for the perpetrator who is collaborating with law enforcement or justice collaborators, basically the defendant will reveal the role of KPK commissioner Lili Pintauli Siregar and lawyer Arief," said judge member Jaini Bashir at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) as reported by Antara. , Wednesday, January 12.
Robin in the trial reading the memorandum of defense (pleidoi) said he wanted to become a JC to dismantle the role of the KPK commissioner, Mrs. Lili Pintauli Siregar and lawyer Arief Aceh.
"Regarding this application, the panel of judges is of the opinion that what the defendant will reveal has no relevance to the a quo case and the defendant is also the main actor in this case, so the panel is of the opinion that the defendant's application should be rejected," added judge Jaini.
The panel of judges also sentenced Robin to 11 years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison plus the obligation to pay compensation of Rp. 2,322,577,000 to Robin.
For this decision, Robin said he was disappointed.
"On the one hand, I accept that I admit guilt, but I am disappointed that the 'justice collaborator' application, I was rejected on the grounds that it was irrelevant, even though Mrs. Lili was related to M Syahrial. I proposed lawyer Maskur Husain, what's the difference with him proposing Arief Aceh? Same. why. Where is it irrelevant?" said Robin after the trial.
Robin also asked for 7 days to think about whether to accept or file an appeal regarding the verdict.
"But that's okay. My legal team and I accept, we ask for time to think about this decision to appeal or not," said Robin.
Robin again apologized to the Police and the KPK.
As for the figure of Arief Aceh, Robin said he was a lawyer who had a case at the KPK.
"As far as I know, based on the data compiled by the team of legal counsel, he (Arief Aceh) did have proceedings at the KPK. He began to speak when Mrs. Lili was appointed," said Robin.
Maskur Husain has also been sentenced to 9 years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison, plus the obligation to pay compensation of Rp. 8,702,500,000 and US$ 36 thousand.
In this case, Robin together with his fellow advocate, Maskur Husain, were proven to have received bribes worth Rp. 11.025 billion and US$36 thousand (around Rp. 513 million) for a total of Rp. 11.5 billion related to the management of five alleged corruption cases at the KPK.
First, both of them are considered proven to have received bribes from former Tanjungbalai Mayor M Syahrial in the amount of Rp. 1.695 billion to secure the investigation into the case of buying and selling positions within the Tanjungbalai City government so that it does not go up to the investigation stage.
The money worth Rp. 1.695 billion was divided into two, namely Rp. 490 million for Robin and Rp. 1.205 billion for Maskur Husain.
In the second case, Robin and Maskur received Rp3,099,887,000 and US$36 thousand (approximately Rp513.29 million) or a total value of Rp3,613 billion from the former Deputy Speaker of the DPR from the Golkar Party faction, Azis Syamsudin and the former Deputy Chairperson of PP Generation Muda. Golkar Party (AMPG) Aliza Gunado related to the KPK investigation in Central Lampung.
Furthermore, the money was divided so that Robin received Rp. 799,887,000 while Maskur Husain received Rp. 2.3 billion and US$ 36 thousand.
In the third case, Robin and Maskur received Rp507.39 million from the non-active Mayor of Cimahi, Ajay Muhammad Priatna, who was not involved in the investigation of social assistance cases in Bandung district, Bandung city and Cimahi city.
The money was then divided into two, namely Robin received Rp. 82.39 million while Maskur Husain received Rp. 425 million.
In the fourth case, Robin and Maskur received Rp. 525 million from Usman Effendi, a convict of the corruption case of land use rights in Tenjojaya who is serving a 3 year prison sentence. The money is divided in half with Robin getting Rp. 252.5 million while Maskur gets Rp. 272.5 million.
In the fifth case, Robin and Maskur received Rp5,197,800,000 from the former Regent of Kutai Kartanegara Rita Widyasari. The money was then distributed, with details of Robin getting Rp. 697.8 million and Maskur Husain getting Rp. 4.5 billion.