Aceh Agrees To Cut Official Travel Funds To Pay The Salaries Of 5,218 Employees With Work Agreements

BANDA ACEH - The Aceh People's Representative Council (DPRA) and the Aceh Government have agreed to cut official travel funds to pay the salaries of 5,218 Government Employees with a Work Agreement (PPPK) in the 2022 budget.

"One of the results of the adjusted evaluation is related to the fulfillment of salary needs for PPPK as many as 5,218 people and the fulfillment of new ASN salaries of 247 people," said Deputy Speaker of the Aceh DPR, Safaruddin, in Banda Aceh, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 11.

The adjustment was made after the results of the evaluation of the Aceh Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBA) 2022 amounting to more than Rp16,170 trillion by the Ministry of Home Affairs, which has been ratified through the plenary session of the Aceh DPR.

Safaruddin said that the fulfillment of the salary requirements for the new PPPK and ASN would be taken from the remaining more budget transfers to districts/cities and the rationalization of official travel orders (SPPD).

"We agreed to rationalize SPPD funds for each service as requested by the Ministry of Home Affairs," he said.

In addition, said Safaruddin, his party has also followed up on the results of other evaluations of the Ministry of Home Affairs, such as the addition of Unexpected Assistance (BTT) funds of five to 10 percent.

Then, he continued, the use of grants and social assistance must be based on the RKPA and breakdown (derivatives) of activities for the poor.

"Alhamdulillah, Banggar and TAPA have followed up on the results of the Ministry of Home Affairs' evaluation to make a decision by the leadership of the DPR which will later be approved by the Aceh Government," said the Gerindra politician.

Safaruddin added that the Aceh DPR hopes that the quality of the 2022 APBA that has been agreed and ratified can run and answer current issues in Aceh.

"We continue to strive for the realization of this budget to be disbursed quickly so that Aceh's economic movement is better. Don't be like last 2021, where our realization number is quite low," said Safaruddin.