Strong Winds Hit A Number Of Villages In Kudus

KUDUS - Strong winds hit several villages in Kaliwungu District, Kudus Regency, Central Java. Strong winds caused damage to the roofs of houses and schools.

Kaliwungu Sub-district Head, Satrio Agus Himawan, said that strong winds came at around 15.30 WIB, Tuesday, January 11, causing a number of trees to fall and the roofs of residents' houses were damaged.

According to him, as quoted by ANTARA, the strong winds caused damage to three houses in Blimbing Kidul Village, 10 houses in Papringan Village, as well as eight houses and one madrasa in Banget Village.

He said the damage caused by strong winds was not severe. Villagers immediately went to work repairing the roofs of damaged houses after the strong winds stopped.

Meanwhile in Kaliwungu Village, according to Satrio, strong winds caused trees to fall and hampered vehicle traffic. The Kudus Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) team and residents worked together to remove tree trunks that were blocking the road.

The Daily Head of BPBD Kudus Budi Waluyo said strong winds caused trees to fall in Banget Village, Kaliwungu Village, Mijen Village, and Panjunan Village.

In addition, according to him, a landslide occurred in Colo Village and caused one house to be crushed by a landslide.